Eating Chazer In Chayolei Hamelach

Non-Kosher meat is soooo cheap


Parent: I have no choice but to send my child to Camp Chayolei Hamelech, it’s simply cheaper and I can’t afford any other camp.

Parent: I have no choice but to buy only Non-Kosher (Traif) meat, it’s simply cheaper and I can’t afford Kosher meat.


ארור משיג גבול רעהו ואמר כל-העם אמן

(דברים כ”ז- י”ז)
“Accursed is one who moves back the boundary of his fellow”

3 Responses to Eating Chazer In Chayolei Hamelach

  1. Camper says:

    How come you didn’t post ant pictures this year?

  2. there wasn’t anything to post.

  3. mr says:

    what hechsher is the chazer

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